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Maine Vital Records

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Are Maine Vital Records Open to the Public?

Certified copies of Maine vital records are restricted to eligible persons per the Maine Vital Records Act. The statute also stipulates that vital records become public information after a statutory period of confidentiality elapses - 75 years for birth records, 25 years for death records, and 50 years for marriage and divorce records.

What Information Shows Up in Maine Vital Records?

Maine vital records are official documents that chronicle significant life events, such as births, deaths, marriages, and divorces. They serve as legal proof of identity and are valuable sources for research and analysis.

How Do I Obtain Maine Vital Records?

The Maine Division of Public Health Systems operates a dedicated Vital Records Office through which inquirers can access vital records. County offices and local health departments also maintain these records.

The requirements for accessing Maine vital records generally vary depending on the requested record, the requestor's authority, and the function the document aims to serve. For example, while access to informational copies requires minimal documentation, persons seeking a certified copy or restricted records must provide documentation to prove their eligibility. These documents include government-issued valid identification, court orders or subpoenas, and birth certificates (or other documents that can establish the relationship).

Publicly available vital records are managed and disseminated by some third-party aggregate sites. These sites are generally not limited by geographical record availability and may serve as a convenient jump-off point when researching specific or multiple records. However, third-party sites are not government-sponsored. As such, record availability may differ from official channels. To find a record using the search engines on third-party sites, the requesting party will be required to provide:

  • The location of the record in question, including the city, county, or state where the case was filed.
  • The name of someone involved, provided it is not a juvenile.

Requesters must provide relevant information associated with the record to conduct an online search for vital records. Some of these include:

  • The registrant's name
  • Date of the event
  • Place of the event
  • City or county where the life event occurred
  • First and last name of parents
  • Presiding judge (for marriage or divorce records)

What Information Do I Need to Search for Maine Vital Records Online?

Vital record searches often require related information such as the name of the registrant(s), the place and approximate date on which the event occurred, as well as court-related information such as case file numbers and the name of the litigator(s) involved. The Maine Division of Public Health Systems offers online record-order services through which interested persons can obtain records remotely.

Certified Copy vs. Informational Copy: Understanding the Difference

Eligible applicants can use certified records to establish identity or carry out various official or legal assignments. They often feature a raised seal, which is considered a mark of authentication bestowed by authorized record custodians. On the other hand, informational copies are usually available to the general public. They are neither considered legal documents nor can they establish identity. However, bearers can use them for a variety of purposes, including informational and genealogical research functions.

Are Maine Marriage Records Public Information?

By law, Maine marriage records become public information 50 years after the marriage license was issued. Until then, certified marriage records are available to persons who meet the state's eligibility requirements, including spouses, immediate family members, and legal representatives.

How Do I Obtain Marriage Records in Maine?

To obtain certified copies of Maine marriage records or public marriage records, the requester must send a written request to the Data, Research, and Vital Statistics Division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). All applicants must provide information with which to facilitate record searches, including:

  • The bride's maiden name
  • The couple's full names
  • The city/town and date of the marriage
  • The requestor's full name and contact information

Requests must also be accompanied by:

  • A check or money order payment of $15 made payable to 'Treasurer - State of Maine.'
  • A clear photocopy of a government-issued photo ID
  • A self-addressed and stamped envelope.

The request, along with the accompanying documents and fees, may be delivered in person or via mail to:

Vital Records
11 State House Station,
220 Capitol Street
Augusta, ME 04333-0011

How to Get a Maine Marriage Certificate

To obtain a Maine marriage certificate, contact the municipal clerk's office where the marriage license was issued or the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. Only the persons named on the record, their immediate family members, legal representatives, or those with a court order are eligible to access these records.

Are Maine Divorce Records Public Information?

Maine divorce records are generally available to the public, but selected information regarding the divorce may be restricted from public access. Restricted information includes financial settlements or alimony/spousal support payments and bank statements, property inventory, and social security information. Typically, information excluded from public access will be made available to the persons named on the record.

How Do I Obtain Divorce Records in Maine?

Interested persons can request divorce records by querying the court clerk where the divorce was granted or by requesting the record from the state's Vital Records Office. To request a divorce record, the requestor must prepare a written request indicating relevant details of the document, such as:

  • The names of the parties involved
  • The date and place of the divorce
  • The case file or court docket number of the record
  • The requestor's full name and daytime telephone number

Along with the written request, requestors must enclose a cheque or money order payment of $15 (per record requested) and a self-addressed and stamped envelope with which to receive the requested record. Record requests may be made in person or sent via mail to:

Vital Records
11 State House Station,
220 Capitol Street
Augusta, ME 04333-0011

How to Get a Certified Divorce Certificate in Maine

Divorce certificates can be obtained from the clerk of the district court where the divorce was granted or the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. Only the named individuals, immediate family members, legal representatives, or those with a court order can obtain a divorce certificate.

Are Maine Birth Records Public Information?

Maine birth records become public information 75 years after birth. Before this statutory period of confidentiality elapses, access to birth records is restricted to the owner, immediate family members, legal representatives, and authorized third parties armed with a court order.

How Do I Obtain Maine Birth Records?

Requests for Maine birth records go to the local court or town clerk of the judicial district where the event occurred. Meanwhile, the state's Vital Records Office maintains a central repository of statewide records. Therefore, interested and eligible persons who wish to order birth certificates and birth certificate replacements from the state's office must send a written request to the office containing the following information:

  • The full name of the registrant (on the record)
  • The date and place of birth
  • The names of the registrant's parents (including the mother's maiden name)
  • The relationship between the requestor and the registrant
  • The full name and daytime telephone number of the requesting party.

Additionally, a copy of the requestor's government-issued photo ID must be attached. They should also include a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a payment of $15 made payable to: "Treasurer - State of Maine". Applicants may submit requests in person or via mail to:

Vital Records
11 State House Station,
220 Capitol Street
Augusta, ME 04333-0011
Phone: (207) 287-1919

Are Birth Certificates Public in Maine?

Maine birth certificates are not public records. The Maine Revised Statutes Title 22 §2706 outlines the provisions for disclosing a birth certificate. The statute restricts access to the individual, immediate family, legal representatives, or those with a judicial order.

Are Maine Death Records Open to the Public?

Maine death records become open to the public after 25 years for deceased adults, but records of fetal deaths are considered private until 50 years after the event. In the meantime, persons who wish to obtain certified copies of Maine death records (or death certificates) are the deceased's immediate family members and persons legally authorized to request record access.

How Do I Obtain Death Records in Maine?

Interested and eligible persons may access public death records in Maine by querying the state's vital statistics office. To perform a death record search by name, applicants must prepare written requests containing pertinent details of the record, including:

  • The full name of the deceased
  • The place and date of death
  • The relationship of the requestor to the deceased
  • The full name and contact information of the requesting party

Applicants must enclose all death certificate search requests along with a copy of the requestor's government-issued photo ID, a stamped and self-addressed envelope, and a payment of $15 made payable to the state treasurer. Requests may be made in person or sent via mail to:

Vital Records
11 State House Station,
220 Capitol Street
Augusta, ME 04333-0011
Phone: (207) 287-1919

How Do I Obtain Sealed Vital Records in Maine

Per Maine's public record law and the Vital Records law, requesters who wish to obtain sealed vital records must petition a court of competent jurisdiction and sufficiently prove that the sealed vital record protects a personal, financial, or property interest. Alternatively, the requestor may obtain a notarized, written request from the subject(s) of the record authorizing access to the said record. Either way, the requester must present a court order or notarized release authorizing the record custodian to waive all record restrictions.

What are Vital Statistics in Maine?

In Maine, vital statistics are critical in public health planning, policy development, and resource allocation. They refer to statistics pertaining to vital events within the state's jurisdiction. This includes birth, death, marriage, and divorce data. The Maine Department of Health and Human Services collects and maintains vital statistics and may make it to interested individuals and research or reporting organizations.